We are committed to ensuring a safe and happy environment for your child.
We support your child’s health and safety through a range of strategies including:
- the behaviour code for students, which outlines the standards of behaviour expected in all NSW public schools
- anti-racism education
- anti-bullying programs
- conflict resolution and mediation training
- peer support
- road safety education
- the Healthy School Canteen Strategy.
For more information, visit the student wellbeing section of the department’s website.
Like all NSW public schools, we promote the healthy development of students through:
- school programs and practices that protect and promote health and safety
- supporting individual students who need help with health issues
- providing first aid and temporary care of students who become unwell or who have an accident at school.
Student wellbeing
Like all NSW public schools, we provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students.
The department is committed to creating quality learning opportunities for children and young people. These opportunities support wellbeing through positive and respectful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging to the school and community.
The Wellbeing Framework for Schools helps schools support the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of students and allows them to connect, succeed and thrive throughout their education.

At St Marys Senior High School student wellbeing is at the heart of our educational philosophy. It is our aim to support and encourage the intellectual, interpersonal, social, aesthetic, physical and moral growth of the young person in the context of an adult learning environment. Further, beyond the academic component of education, we are committed to the notion that our young people should grow into well-rounded, healthy individuals who can confidently take their place in society as principled and engaged adults.
In order to achieve the above outcomes, we have a very pro-active Student Services and Wellbeing Team comprising the Principal, two Deputy Principals, the Head Teacher Student Services, two School Counsellors and six Student Advisers. This team works with all of our staff to provide high level support and assistance to each and every student in our care.
A unique feature of our school is our Mentor Program which operates over two years. During Year 11 each student is allocated a mentor teacher with whom they will spend three periods per fortnight. The mentor teacher is very much a “student guide” and the first person consulted if any academic or wellbeing problems are encountered. Moreover, all Year 12 students are asked to nominate a Personal Mentor from among their classroom teachers to act as their “personal trainer” on the journey to the HSC.
St Marys Senior High School has a number of student-led clubs and sporting activities where students are able to develop their leadership capacity.
Our peak student leadership team, the Student Representative Council (or SRC) comprises of 28 elected students including our two school captains, two school vice captains, twelve Year 12 students and twelve Year 11 students. They play an active role within the school, promoting school spirit and culture through participation in many areas of school life. During the year, the Student Representative Council are involved in the organisation of many whole school activities such as the school's Heritage Day which celebrates the multicultural nature of our school community and Australian society as a whole.
The Student Representative Council has worked tirelessly to improve student facilities and to express the views of the student body on a wide range of issues and continues to play an integral part in the decision making processes at our school.